Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Party, a Horse, and a Newspaper... How Do They Connect? THEY DON'T!

I am throwing a swim party for the 5-8 graders at Grace Academy. Grace is a group of home schoolers, we all meet, and do extra curricular classes together, such as art, cooking, gym, music and ministry, scrap booking, photography, and pooling weeds. (Don't ask) It took me a day to send out the invitations, I asked everyone to R.S.V.P. 5 people out of about 20 have responded. I am kinda stressing out because the party is tomorrow, so I am hoping that all of them will respond today. Maybe I am being a little over ambitious, considering what time it is...    
But anyway, life have been pretty hectic these last few weeks, like at our farm (yes we have a farm and 2 horses) Scout, (my horse) isn't being very good, I give him a D RING SNAFFLE BIT, which has no leverage, meening that if he throws his head up, I have NO control, and I can't get it back down. So I changed to a REGULAR SNAFFLE BIT. It gives me much more leverage. But even then, Scout didn't like the bit and still would throw his head up, shake his head, and snort. I walked around the big pasture on him with someone leading me, it went fine. Later that day, I rode him with out a lead, and in the small pasture. He was not very good, He would dance around, and throw his head, and spook. So we are thinking about getting another horse that is older, and has its manners hammered into its head. Because we really don't want to have to re-teach scout his manners every time we go up there, because we are not up there enough or long enough. I am sure we could teach Scout, but we rather not... 
Maria has been chosen as one of the writer for the teen section in the local newspaper! She is so exited! We are all very proud of her. She had been working on her article that she would send in to try to be on of the selected writers. She sent in one of her 2 articles "I don't like the Jonas Brothers" and "Face Book Etiquette" I don't know which one she actually sent in, but either way, they liked it! She then wrote an article titled "Back to School" Her editor liked it, and said that he would put it in this week. What is really nice about this, is that there are about 60 writers for the same section, so when they find inspiration, they write, send it in, and get it published. So there is no demand as to how much or how often they have to write. So, congrats Maria!

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