Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday!!

ugh. Black Friday. Tired. Sick. Broke (jk). Happy. That pretty much sums it up. But for the sake of my none existent readers, I will elaborate.  We started off with Kohl's. Go  figure, If you know me well enough and ask me were I get my clothes, 99.9 % of the time I will say Kohl's. I got a $36 skirt for $7, and two sweaters for $18. We then went to Walmart where I got my game. By then  I wasn't feeling too well.. Maria decided to look for a dress for her winter ball at her school. We traveled the 20 min commute to the Montgomery Mall. We started out a JC Penny, and no luck, we then went to Macy's where Maria bought a dress, but still wanted to look around for something better. By now I was dragging my feet, begging for a drink, and sneezing every five minuets. Not Pleasant! After that we went to Forever 21.  We were in there less then a minuet. We then went to look for the car. We came out of the wrong exit and had to walk to the other parking lot. By then I had fully developed blisters. We got to the car. My Aunt and sister went back to Macy's to return the dress and re-buy it with there coupon. I got to stay in the car! And that is my story. Somehow I feel that it is no where close to how bad my dad feels. He left at 11:30 Thanksgiving Day to start shopping. Oh well. what can I say??? My family LOVES to save money!! 

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Day.... !

Hey, I haven't posted in FOREVER!! Happy Thanksgiving peoples who never read my blog... gobble gobble. Let me start with.. IT SNOWED ON THANKSGIVING!!! Today I ate one and a half plates of food. Mostly starches like stuffing, corn pudding, and mashed potatoes. I lay down on the couch and dozed of. It is like my Dads mom (my grandma that lives in Africa) always said, there is a string that attaches the upper eyelids to the stomach, the heavier the stomach becomes, the further the eyelids get pulled down. I woke up to rolling off the couch, landing right on our hard wood floors. Comfy. I was overjoyed to have to choices in entertainment. Watching more football that involved two teams that I don't care about, or watching my cousins play monopoly. I have spent about 20 mins watching football, and an hour and a half of watching a boring monopoly game. Then the fun part came. I got to play SOCCER!! I played my dad, and beat him two times. Then I played me 26 year old cousin and beat her.. Shockingly it wasn't to challenging.. *chuckle chuckle*..  All in all I am stuffed, tired, (It is 11 o'clock and my cousins left.. :(... ) and I can not wait for the Black Friday shopping tomorrow!! Khol's is having an absolute BLOW OUT sale, and I am the BIGGEST Kohl's shopper EVA!! As you have probably noticed by all the caps, I am VERY HIPPER from all the cups of like PURE caffeine I drank.. ah.. I can't wait till Christmas...