Thursday, March 4, 2010

Music, Music, and more Music!

Today I had music lessons. To put it in short, my music teacher scares me. Apparently I was not putting enough energy into the piece. He walked behind me and held the bow with me - helping me push it. He sent my bow surging off of the strings, and onto the bridge. He continued to saw at the strings. He told me that I needed to put that amount of energy into it. I tried. It still was not good enough. He took my violin from me, and just played the E string - which just happens to be the highest, and most shrill. As he was playing it, he danced around the room smiling and laughing. All the sudden he stopped. He asked me if I would excuse him for one second. I graciously agreed, happy for the break. As he was talking on the phone the main things that came up were - him teaching another student, teaching a music majors class at a high school, and a recital that he was planning. Wow....

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